The NLRA have asked if VCS members would be willing to help with a traffic count. NLRA are doing a really thorough traffic count at two locations – Boughton Lane/Cripple Street crossroads, and the Wheatsheaf junction so they need plenty of people. If you could spare any time they would be very grateful. Details below.
North Loose Residents Association
We have just received information from the solicitors representing BDW Trading Limited that they will be seeking to challenge the appeal decision of the Secretary of State regarding this development.
The claimants (BDW Trading Limited) are stating there has been an error of law regarding Maidstone Borough Council Saved Policy ENV 32 and they are therefore asking for this decision, made by the Planning Inspector and supported by the Secretary of State, to be overturned.
At this stage we do not know when or where this will be heard but will keep you all informed of developments as they occur.
Irrespective of the outcome of the above High Court hearing, it is possible that further applications could be submitted to develop land in Boughton Lane.
In order to continue arguing our case – as we did so successfully at the public inquiry – we MUST obtain up to date traffic details.
We are planning two new surveys on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st April at two locations-Boughton Lane/Cripple Street crossroads, and the Wheatsheaf junction.
We will start at 6am and work in 2 hour shifts until 8pm.
We really need YOUR help – this could be vital for the future of the south of Maidstone.
Alan is drawing up the rotas now, so please contact him on 01622 762085 or email