Work on the Ponds Purchased with a Grant from the Heritage Lottery

“Siltex” Calcium Carbonate treatment being applied to Crisbrook pond in December 2008 by VCS Tuesday volunteer team.

Island created for nesting birds safe from the foxes

Duck boxes located on the freshly pruned Island

John on the last stage of the clearance

The break through

Last of the rubble removed by Bryn

Restored water flow
Bramble clearance 16 February 2008


Information Panels purchased with Heritage Lottery Funding others are at Crisbrook and Salts Pond.

Installation of the Information Panel at Great Ivy

The Information panel at Loose Hill
The Markers and their installation were paid for from the Heritage Lottery fund

Large Marker for road entrances to the Conservation Area

Small Marker for footpaths entering the Conservation Area

Receipt of sponsored paint for railing from B&Q

Painting Party at work

Tovil Fete August 2008